
Java wrapper for the LAME mp3 encoding library.

This is not a Java port of LAME, but only a set of wrapper classes based on JNA (Java Native Access). Tested on Windows and Linux, using lame 3.98, it should work on other platforms too. The LAME library is not provided, the source code can be downloaded from Sourceforge or you can probably find binary distributions available from other web sites.

For usage examples have a look at the source code in the examples subdirectory.

This software is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License and is based on LAMEOnJ by Jose Maria Arranz. Unfortunately LAMEOnJ, which is itself released under the LGPL, is based on a JNI wrapper library which is not free software (as in free beer and free speech...) and for that reason this project was born.

Have fun!

Release history

0.2.0 (12/09/2008)

0.1.0 (21/08/2008) Logo